Wednesday, December 27, 2006


There used to be a popular saying--

"You are what you eat."

Well, what you eat comes out at some point. Vanilla scallops anyone?

This also begs the question, what happens to all the excess antibiotics and hormones we ingest? As it is late in the morning (for me), I will find links later that show how super bacteria are being bred in local shell fish populations outside the outfalls of coastal wastewater treatment plant outfalls.

and then these get eaten. and the bacteria become part of the food chain.


1 comment:

creekcrawler said...

Yo bro - 'bout time someone gave you a comment!
Always claimed the river bubbled more after 5 o'clock when fishing - everybody coming home and taking showers and such.
Wonder what themighty Cuyahoga flows
with after a Browns game..
Cheap beer and chili??
