Just a couple of things that have caught my eye in between shoveling snow, working and recovering from shoveling snow. Just so you, I am a manager at a water and wastewater treatment firm and when it snows, you still have to check plants. So yesterday was one of those days when you wake up at 4:30 to dig yourself out, go in and do the necessary paperwork (like making sure payroll is ready) and hit the road. One of the water plants is about 0.75 miles from the nearest road and walking in carrying meters in waist deep snow sucks. Another is a mountain district that we could not get chemicals to earlier this past week, so I got to do my best 4-wheel drive truck commercial impersonation up an 8% grade breaking through drifts over the hood of my truck. To tell you the truth, you don't feel like superman, you hope you don't slide sideways off the hill. and roll. 10 feet forwards, back up 100 yards and try again. Then checking the booster pump station. 12-30% grade down a foot path in nipple deep drifts. I slept well last night.
Anyhow--Bush worked three whole hours on an Iraq plan, that needs more work. If I have a personnel or compliance problem at work, I am lucky if I sleep three hours and then quietly get up so I don't wake my wife and think on solutions. Then type them up and email them to all and sundry. If I can figure out a solution. Three Fucking Hours! and don't get me started on his tactical genius and his strategic brilliance.
This when there are thousands of lives at risk, the economy of the country down the tubes (for the middle class), and our moral standing in the world in complete question. I am surprised he can sleep at all. That God he talks to must be some quieting dude, or our Main Man in the White House is nuckin' futs. There can't be anything in between. I wonder how it feels not to have a conscience? If I ever act that thoughtless, kill me!
and this may be a problem. More of the Arctic Ice Shelf disappearing. I know the Navy is making contingency plans for ruling the Arctic Ocean as it becomes passable (google it yourself, can't find the link, but I am sure our Siberian neighbors are doing the same and maybe Putin is not a nice man). Aside from the obvious evidence of Global Warming, there really needs to be concern about endangered species, but even more importantly what happens to the oceanic food chain, that is already stressed to the max. Think many disappearing species may contribute in the long run to the food sources of millions?
And this, from our Science Decider. Is it any wonder why stupid decisions are made. The world really is only 6,000 years old. Satan must have placed all the other evidence there to confuse us. And this asshole and his cohorts were really elected by an American populace! Has it ever occurred to anyone that even psychotics can appear reasonable if they have to. I am sure Ted Bundy appeared quite charming to his victims.
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