Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Texas and God

From today's Sacramento Bee:

Texas District lets teachers carry guns

from the Superintendent David Thweatt--
"When you let outlaws carry guns in a certain area, the only people who follow are the law-abiding citizens, and everybody else ignores it."

This is a rural high school of 110 students!? There are 50 staff, including janitors and lunch ladies, administrators and teachers. and they can't control 110 students without concealed weapons. What?

I can't comment on how stupid that is. What I want to know is the town that lawless, or has the depth of fear burned so deep into the souls of the adults that they can't help themselves. The former sounds like Deadwood. The latter sounds like demonic possession or just emotions run so out of control that counseling is necessary. How can adults be so afraid. Knowing where the town of Howard is, it is Christian country. Don't these citizens trust their God? I am appalled.


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