Monday, November 19, 2007

I wrote a smart ass post last weekend about praying for rain in Georgia, but some at Salon has asked the hard questions. What if some of our major southeastern cities start running low on water. Last year sections of reservoirs on the Colorado River that had not seen the light of day for 30 years were not submerged anymore. What happens to Phoenix and Tucson if the water they expect to see from the CAP canal disappear. What about Vegas? what at LA? Ow!!!!! For anyone that has not read the book Cadillac Desert, please find a copy and read it. Or the book Water Wars. I work for a privatization firm. We are needed because in this imperfect world there are many cities, towns and districts that have not made plans to replace and secure infrastructure. In a perfect world, firms like mine would be not needed. As a digression, is it an easier sell to fund new pipes or a new courthouse, police cars or recreation center?

I have yet to see in MSM rainfall projections based upon the rapidly warming seas. What happens if rainfall patterns change? Water law in the western US does not account for that. Farmlands will go dry as rapidly growing municipalities use their consolidated economic clout to basically get water from farmers either through purchasing rights or PR campaigns--"Would you let little Johnny go without water?" This should concern everyone, particularly in the US.


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