Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Thoughts while on the Road

Last night I made a snarky post about how fat we have become as Americans. How our freedom has given us the ability to be so fat no one in their right mind wants to sit next to us in a 737.

Okay, maybe a little harsh, but you get the point. This week the buzz is Greenspan admits Iraq was all about oil. "How dare those bastards have our oil under their soil. We'll show them and invade their pissant little country, occupy it and make money for our buddies (Halliburton, Parsons and Black Water. If they don't like it PISS ON THEM and the camels they rode in on..." So what if we kill a few (1,000,000 and counting) citizens and rape a few on the way.

Okay, so we invaded and condemned a mass murderer. He was a BAD guy. serious bad. Attacking him was like attacking the local perv who gets off killing puppies. But, God, our ocupation is heartless and ugly.

Freedom no more means we can be 400+ pounds than it does we can be a bully. We have all this military strength. Few can stand up to us. But might does not make right. Whatever happened to social contracts, world citizenship, moral leadership? With great strength comes great responsibility, unlike Ayn Rand's world view.


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