Tuesday, January 30, 2007


An excerpt from the NY Times--

"In an executive order published last week in the Federal Register, Mr. Bush said that each agency must have a regulatory policy office run by a political appointee, to supervise the development of rules and documents providing guidance to regulated industries. The White House will thus have a gatekeeper in each agency to analyze the costs and the benefits of new rules and to make sure the agencies carry out the president’s priorities."

I shudder to think how ideologically pure the political appointees must be. Imagine the EPA being run by an ideologically pure developer whose whole economic theories devolve down to "the earth is here for our use and profit." Or an oil man in charge of alternative energy. Or a Dobson clone in charge of the subdepartment of mental health (wherein we can define any sexual preference we don't like as lascivious and a mental ill.) Or creationists in charge of geology spouting the Grand Canyon is only 6,000 years old (ooops, that's been already done.) I seem to remember that one of the account managers for the Iraq war was a 20-something politically pure appointee with no accounting experience. Billions lost later, we ask--hey, where's our money and it is so lost that we cannot even find a paper trail, but here stories of people playing football with wads of $100 bills.

These people will make sure we are ideologically pure in all our thoughts. The book 1984 had a large part of that in it. But what worries me as a country and a culture is not only the greed that would be unleashed leading to a great economy where the wealth is really only in the hands of a few (workers bees can suck hind tit), but that our country would be in the ideological hands of religious bigots. These bigots, in contrast to the rest of the world, would ensure superstition (yes, I consider evangelical Christianity as superstition, a sickness of a mind that wants everything simple and does not need to take responsibility for their actions. I mean, someone else died so I could sin and then be repentant. Just depends on how big of a sin you want to commit and then say you are sorry for. Before I go off on a rant, I will simply say, to emphasize this point, gay marriage is not so much a threat to the institution of marriage as say divorce and adultery.) would be the thought patterns, the zeitgeist, the true belief.

Then America would further fall behind the world in science and be a rich (for a while), stupid, bigoted country. The world would pass us by as we watch American Idol.

But we would be ideologically pure as stew in our own feces.

That is truly visionary leadership. Christ, how fast can 2008 get here.


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