Wednesday, January 24, 2007


The deficit will be able to be paid down by 2017--I think that is what was said.

Okay, here is where we were in 2000 before things changed.

Today, President Clinton will announce that The United States is on course to eliminate its public debt (my note--debt, not just the annual budgetary deficit) within the next decade. The Administration also announced that we are projected to pay down $237 billion in debt in 2001. Due in part to a strong economy and the President’s commitment to fiscal discipline, the federal fiscal condition has improved for an unprecedented nine consecutive years. Based upon today’s new economic and budget projections for the coming 10 years from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB):

  • The United States can be debt-free this decade. By dedicating the entire budget surplus to debt reduction, The United States can eliminate its publicly held debt by FY 2009. The next Administration and Congress will need to decide what priorities to address: eliminate the public debt by FY 2010 and still use part of the surplus for responsible tax cuts, prescription drug benefits for Medicare recipients, and investments in key priorities like education and health care.
  • The national debt is projected to be paid down by $237 billion this year. Under the budget President Clinton and Congress completed two weeks ago, the U.S. is projected to pay down $237 billion of the national debt in FY 2001.
So we can begin to pay off the deficit that was almost all gone before Boy Wonder took over.

CAFE Limits--since the Carter administration we changed light truck limits. Big fuckin' whoop. If Americans bought smaller cars maybe we could afford less foreign dependence. I live in truck country where the size of a man's penis is judged by the size of his truck. I had a VW in 1969 that got 38 mpg, currently a Prism that gets 37 mpg. If we had progressively raised these limits since Carter...

Let's see photovoltaics on the White House and Solar Panels and restore a sense of symbolic commitment.

Well, at least he congratulated Nancy Pelosi.

and now 9/11-- No comment.

He may have immigration right.

Enough for now.


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