Thursday, January 17, 2008

Hey moog, would buy this for a quarter?
from the story The Marching Morons

I have a hard time believing that the media still believes anything that comes out of this administration. The "speedboats going to kill us all" in the Straits of Hormuz story is one fine example. People said the Al Jazeera tapes had to be faked. No, once again, the news was leaked at a specific time to get people all riled up about those damned Iranians just as Middle East "Peace" talks were coming off.

Follow me on this. Bush hisself goes to talk peace, but the US warship is attacked by 3 speedboats. It shows how big a menace those pesky Iranians are and they should be bombed back to the Stone Age. Now, let's talk peace. Does Gulf of Tonkin mean anything to anyone? Here is our esteemed leader trying to provoke a war while at peace talks. and has members of his cabinet "make up" a news story. Just to prove his big his swinging dick is.

Doesn't the media find two or three sources for stories any more, or do we all have to suffer from gossip column reportage. One unnamed source leaked... hmmm. I am sorry. "Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, and we won't be fooled again." Yet the MSM falls for it again and again and again. So, American public opinion is swayed by a fraudulent leak whose inaccuracy will never really be believed. Let me state that more clearly---the lie got out there first, hit the front pages, the 30-second sound byte, and any follow up will not get that big of coverage. Over 30% of the population in some states still believe there were WMDs in Iraq, and at least 10% in the last survey I read believe these were used against American troops. This was about 6 months ago. The state in question was one of the Carolinas.

I had a boss once who lied and covered up his own deficiencies by setting others up to do a lot of his work and then when decisions were wrong he had a fall guy. It was always their fault as they gave him bad information. After a while, you had to learn to cover your ass. Write, print and save all emails. Turn down information hunts that were not part of your responsibility. Be cynical. When will the press and the American public learn these bastards in office lie.??!!Continually.

So far, this administartion has ruined the economy, got us stuck in a Vietnam-like scenario and is trying to start another war, while concommitantly making agreements to tie America to their strategery for another 20 years. People should be screaming.

And yet videos are believed at face value and Iran is the greatest threat to America going. and we sell arms to Suadi Arabia, the country that helped organize the World Trade Center massacre (how many in the plot came from Iraq? from Saudi?) We are being sold down the river. and people just schlump along without rage in their hearts. And wonder how they can buy their next big screen TV.

I have a hard time sleeping at night knowing the country I love has caused over 600,000 needless deaths just so some asshole can play Commander Guy and the oil companies who own his soul profit. And now the right-wing press is saying all the stories by The Lancet giving the death toll in Iraq is payed for by George Soros. and why does he love the terrorists? After all the death toll is only 50,000. You can still sleep at night knowing you caused 50,000 deaths just so democracy in the Middle East will get a chance? Yet you bitch when Hamas gets elected.

I am glad it is early morning or I would reallly be pissed off. No caffeine yet.


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