Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sunday's Miscellaneous Topics

we normally leave all the apples on our tree and on the ground for the multitudinous flickers and squirrels in our neighborhood for the winter and are blessed with their presence all year long. The squirrels are not really too bad. They keep my Australian Shepherd busy. hee. So this year we have a parrot sharing the harvest. That is correct, a full-fledged 12-15" tall parrot. Here every day for at least an hour. It bothers me as I do not think it will do well once the temperatures stay below 40 degrees for a long period of time. I have called animal control, but by the time they get here, the bird is gone. I know for two years we have had parakeets in the area during cherry season. Will parrots die from exposure? does anyone know?

Political rant time--Preznut Chimpboy stated in yesterday's paper that he is angry with the Senate for not approving his choices for judges and because of that the Constitution is being violated. They need to approve his choices without asking them hypothetical questions like "Is waterboarding legal?" Or if there were a hanging would it be tried as a race crime? Since when is he a constitutional scholar. Mr. Signing Statement? Mr. Eavesdrop? Mr. Recess Appointment? Using government resources for political gain for his party. Lying to get us into a war? Being a war criminal? What? The Senate is hating the Constitution? Give me a break! Maybe the Decider should read the damn thing.


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