Do We Laugh or Do We Cry
That is correct. I don't know.
Senator Craig has made it to the "Come out of the closet, Tom" Honor Roll. Yet another family values voting machine being bathed in the limelight of his own hypocrisy. He will, in the end, lose his power (bye, bye committee appointments already), his reputation and ultimately his job. He will be remembered as that queer bastard.
As a liberal, I am happy another Senate seat may open up for competition. Yes, another dirty-rightie proving they don't live up to their own PR.
As a person, I am saddened by the whole affair. How would you like be reduced to trolling for sex partners in the public bathrooms?????
As a married hetero, I never hope to have to do that. Of course, how many women will I find in men's bathrooms? But I could cruise down East Colfax for some wonderfully intimate sex. The fact that anyone has to do this is ridiculous. It speaks of shame, of horribly wrong social mores. Just incredibly stupid and wrong social expectations. It speaks of the origination point of so many homo-erotic dominant/submission sado-masochistic overtones in the Right, in our society--that it is incredible. Have urges, got to hide them--must not let others know, get out the leather so we can show others who is boss, completely turn inside out our emotional realms so nobody knows who we are and then make a society, policies and laws to reflect the twisted emotional realms rather than open and compassionate hearts. Think about Cod Piece George and his costume fantasies. Chain-sawing cowboy--I can see the Copenhagen in his cheek now (no sissy-assed Skoal for that hunk of a man). I have occasionally wondered whether the stories of him being buggered by a prostitute and former gubernatorial candidate in Nevada were true.
Why was denigration of manhood so important in Abu Ghraib? To break people, it is necessary to ruin their self-identity by destroying, in this case, their manhood and religious identity. (Kind of like military training, but that is another essay--just remember the characters of the Village People). But what you substitute is a twisted value system that reflects the torturer or the dominant. That is an exaggerated example, but much of society has subtle twists and turns that reflect that.
Most of America is in the closet when it comes to lust, carnal desires. Let's face it, we come from good Puritan stock, or Catholic (we brought the Inquisition) stock. Sex drives were not recognized and after the 60s they were, kind of. But, sex is sure used to sell. But now, instead of rational policies teaching what will be inevitable teenage sex and how not to get pregnant and attract STDs, we go to abstinence. Yeah, that will work. Syphilis was thought to be transferred from sheep to humans (wonder why George is obsessed with animal-human hybrids?), so I think abstinence maybe won't work too well. So now we cruise restrooms (and have you ever seen how clean public restrooms are?) for what should be good clean wholesome sexual fun.
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